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Youth Festival of Opportunities - WORK, LEARN, VOLUNTEER!

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Youth Initiative for Human Rights Croatia organized a three-day event 'Festival of opportunities for young people in civil society organizations — Work, learn, volunteer! 'which lasted from April 6 to 8, 2022. The festival was held at the Student Centre of the University of Zagreb and served as an experimental seminar presenting good volunteer practices as a tool for inclusion, and during its duration 7 inclusive volunteering methodologies were tested as well.

During three days the event was visited by a total of 188 people, of which 106 young participants. At the Festival were also present 30 non-governmental organizations whose representatives participated in guest panels, held workshops for youth, demonstraded examples of good practice related to volunteering and opportunities for young people in civil society, and presented their work on career speed dating for CSOs and youth. As part of the festival, the exhibition “Peace activism of the nineties and today” was held. Two panels: Job in civil society — how much does it cost us to work for love? and How to Make Civil Society Organisations more inclusive were broadcast live and had a total of 184 views.

Program agenda

6 April 2022 Wednesday

11:00 - 11:10 — Opening of the conference and welcome speech

11:10 - 12:30 — Panel: Work in civil society — how much does it cost us to work for love?

Moderator: Branka Vierda

Participants: Noah Kraljević (Trade Union) Danijel Baturina (Faculty of Law) Matea Marić (IKS)

12:30 - 14:00 — Networking and lunch

14:00 - 15:30 — Panel: How to make civil society organisations more inclusive?

Moderator: Maja Krištafor

Participants: Mateja Morić (Ljubljana Pride) Maja Žilić (YIHR Serbia) Zrinka Suk (Ocean of Knowledge) Anamaria Macanović (Are You Syrious?) Tea Domin (Croatian Federation of the Deaf and the hard of hearing)

16:00 -17:30 — Forum Theatre Performance (ROM HR)

18:00 - Opening of the exhibition: “Peace activism in the nineties and today” and the performance of the choir Domaćigosti


April 7, 2022 Thursday

10:00 - 11.30 — Loesje: Creative writing workshop — testing inclusive methodologies in volunteering (in English)

12:00 - 13.30 — Ocean of knowledge — Internship in Europe! — testing inclusive volunteering methodologies

15:30 - 17:00 — Career speed dating — Civil society organisations (as employers and leaders Volunteer programs) and students

18:00 - 20:00 — Bicycle repair and activist group Green Action — testing of inclusive methodologies in volunteering (in Frankopanska ulica 1)


April 8, 2022, Friday

10:00 - 11.30 — Maja Krištfor and Ivan Tominac: workshop 'Good CV skits and employers conquer' (1st term — up to 20 people)

12:00 - 13.30 — National Youth Council of Ireland: 'Hear my Truth' workshop — testing inclusive methodologies in volunteering (in English)

14:00 - 15.30 — Maja Kristafor and Ivan Tominac: workshop “Good CV skates and employers win” (2nd term — up to 20 people)

This event is part of the project “Volunteering as a tool for an inclusive society” co-financed through the Europe for Citizens Programme, which aims to build intercultural understanding and solidarity through the activities of involving local communities in the practices of inclusive volunteerism.

The conference was organized by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights (Croatia) in cooperation with the Pride Parade Association (Slovenia), Loesje (Germany), INAR (Ireland) and the Youth Initiative for Human Rights (Serbia).


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