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We were guests at the first Balkanika Festival held in Italy!

Large regio emilia 2

In the period from 16 to 19 October 2023, together with colleagues from the Youth Initiative for Human Rights Kosovo and the Youth Initiative for Human Rights Bosnia and Herzegovina, at the invitation of iscos Emilia Romagna from Italy, we spent three days in Reggio Emilia.

As part of the Balkanika Festival program, we had the opportunity to meet our colleagues working in the field of human rights in the Reggio Emilia area, discuss the specificities of the challenges in working in the Western Balkans and Italy, but also to see what are the opportunities for future cooperation. 

We presented our work in the field of dealing with the past and youth work to the students of the highschool "Filippo Re", trying to engage them in recognizing the importance of inclusion in various forms of civic participation and active action for positive changes in society and the community. Our wish was to make our experiences in the field of human rights motivating and encouraging for future personal and professional development. 

We concluded our participation in the Balkanika Festival by talking with representatives of local government in Reggio Emilia who were particularly interested in our work and we discussed how to open space for cooperation between cities from Italy and the Western Balkans in order to further enrich the cooperation with the contribution of civil society organizations.

Thanks for the invite and we hope to see you again next year!

PHOTO: Iscos Emilia Romagna and YIHR


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