Project name: Think locally, be active!
Project lead: Youth Initiative for Human Rights
Partner: HERMES - Croatian Education and Development Network for the Evolution of Communication
Implementation period: 1.1.2023. - 31.12.2023.
The total value of the project: €11,945.05
Contact person for additional information: Morana Starcevic,
Summary of the project:
This project educates young people about civic participation and human rights and empowers them to get involved in the community, encourage public discussions and solve problems through content creation, implementation of action plans, and advocacy. The project aims to influence youth, with an emphasis on marginalized youth and youth from war-affected areas, through empowerment for active participation in solving social problems in the field of human rights in their local communities
The project consists of various educational, activist, and advocacy activities.
Through the monthly meetings of the YIHR activist network, members learn about active citizenship, human rights, the rule of law, and nonviolent conflict resolution using interactive methods: news discussions, a film club, and a book club, and they plan and implement activist actions based on the topics covered and current events.
The training for trainers of civic responsibility, human rights, and peace activism is an education in which young people from all over Croatia will participate, learning about the mentioned topics and developing the skills of self-organization, facilitation, and critical thinking. Young people who have successfully completed training for trainers with the support of YIHR will conduct one-day workshops on human rights and peace activism in their local communities.
Interested participants of the training and members of the activist network will write articles on human rights and non-violent conflict resolution based on the acquired knowledge and problems raised through participation in the activities of the MLAD! project.
Civic responsibility workshops will gather young people for a participatory activity, the aim of which is to encourage young people to accept personal responsibility in solving social challenges and problems in their communities. They will create short videos that will analyze a selected problem of their community through interviewing fellow citizens and based on the results of the test, they will create and submit to local authorities action plans that propose a solution to a particular problem. The three-day civic responsibility workshop is preceded by an online preparatory workshop. A Handbook on Civic Responsibility workshops for teachers and educators will be developed, which will serve as instructions for organizing similar workshops, but also as a teaching aid for bringing the concepts of civic responsibility, activism and human rights closer to young people.
Launching the Youth Initiative for Human Rights Activist Network
Young People Remember the Forgotten: Education and Action
Održan prvi sastanak aktivističke mreže Inicijative mladih za ljudska prava
Mladi se sjećaju zaboravljenih: edukacija i akcija
Mladi uče o činjenicama vezanim za ratne zločine počinjenim u Ahmićima 1993. godine
Mladi iz Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine zajednički pamte žrtve ratnih zločina u Ahmićima i Trusini
Aktivistička mreža doprinosi zagovaračkom radu Inicijative mladih za ljudska prava
Nova generacija edukatora_ica mirovnog aktivizma stekla korisna iskustva i znanje
Članovi i članice YIHR aktivističke mreže posjetili izložbu “Objektiv NDH”
Razmjena iskustava i dobrih praksi s Memorijalnim centrom Srebrenica
Održale smo razgovor o rodno senzibiliziranim pristupima tranzicijskoj pravdi
Glasovi mladih - Jesu li neke riječi "hrvatskije" od drugih - što je to jezični purizam?
Glasovi mladih - Umjetnički performans Majka Propaganda
Glasovi mladih - Da li se čujemo - rad istraživačke grupe
Glasovi mladih - Je li domoljublje samo ljubav prema domovini ili više od toga?
Glasovi mladih - Razaranje, Aneksija, Tragedija - Mladost, Istina, Radost
Glasovi mladih - Mir se vraća u Vukovar?
Glasovi mladih - Kratka analiza javnog diskursa u Hrvatskoj u vezi zločina počinjenih u Ahmićima
Project Think locally, be active! is financed by the Central State Office for Demography and Youth.